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The first of our Tea Plantations was established nearly 200 years ago as Tea was first planted on the slopes of the mountains that form the backbone of South India. (The Western Ghats). Over the next 100 years. Tea Plantations became a major activity transforming the landscape of these mountains, turning them into the manicured tea gardens we see today and providing employment and subsequently a reasonable standard of living, to the local population. In the early 1900’s these estates saw consolidation and in 1907 Harrisons & Crosfield, whhich was set up as Tea Traders in 1857 in Liverpool, bought and established Malayalam Plantations Ltd. As Owners and Managing Agents of Malayalam Plantations, Harrisons & Crosfield further consolidated their land holdings, including plantations in Rubber, to produce the highest quality of both Tea and Rubber in this part of the World. About 24 years ago, changing priorities of Harrisons & Crosfield saw the RPG Group, one of the largest business houses in India, take control of this Company. Harrisons & Crosfield in India and Malayalam Plantations were merged to establish Harrisons Malayalam Ltd

Today, Harrisons Malayalam Ltd., as the largest Plantation Company in South India, leads the industry in scientific and modern agriculture and manufacture. The Company also preserves its proud heritage of looking after its employees and evolving them with modern HR practices.

Co-existing with Nature, plantations in South India have a proud ecological history in harmony with nature. Our lands borders virgin tropical forest and, as such, we operate with a little “helping hand” from wild life. It is not uncommon for elephants to ramble in our rubber plantations or dig up tea bushes. The old bungalows while able to protect the occupiers from such ventures do regularly have panthers looking for a pet dog meal!

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